Thursday, March 5, 2015


Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
"The way to wealth, if you desire it,
is as plain as the way to market.
It depends chiefly on two words,
industry and frugality; that is
waste neither time nor money,
but make the best use of both."
Benjamin Franklin
The Ten Minute Millionaire
In the previous chapter you learned how easy it could be for you to be financially free. A few dollars a day compounded over a long period of time….anyone can do that. You COULD--but WILL you? Do you have the WILL for it? It’s easy to dream. But do you have the discipline to do it…..a dollar at a time? To weaken your will, the World of Stuff beckons…. “Buy this. You need this now. Spend, spend, spend.” What do prosperous people do when faced with the relentless siren song of instant gratification?
Prosperous people practice seven financial secrets. I call them secrets not because very few of us are aware of them, but because very few of us use them. The secrets are, in reality, skills…. essential money skills that all wealthy people practice. I believe that if you learn these skills, wealth can also flow into your life.... multiple streams of increasing prosperity. Wouldn’t that be nice? Money to buy whatever you want.... houses, cars, travel, freedom. Surplus to share with the people you care most about. Security. Peace of mind. That's what these skills will bring you
Throughout this book, you’ll learn how to cut through the blinding blizzard of financial information swirling around us every day and focus on the 7 essential money skills that will take you to financial security. I call these skills MoneySkills.
Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
The first three Money Skills form the foundation of all financial success. Without them, none of the other skills have power. If you don’t value money, you won’t make the effort to control it. If you can’t control it, you won’t be able to save it. And if you can’t save it, there won’t be any surplus to invest. If you don’t understand investing, you’ll be a less effective entrepreneur. Therefore, you won’t have any to shield. And if you don’t have any to shield, you won’t have any to share.
Now, you may be tempted to skip over this chapter and get to the real “money making” chapters, but please be patient. This is the foundation building stage of financial freedom. For many years I have taught real estate investing seminars where people learn how to buy millions of dollars worth of property for little or no down payment. I find that a certain percentage of people can buy the property but then, don’t know how to manage the cash flow of the property they are buying.
I remember one of these students who was especially impatient. He didn’t want to waste time learning basic money management skills. He wanted to make some “real money” and then, he could hire someone to take care of his money. By asking him a few pointed questions, I discovered that his personal finances were in a shambles. Here was a person, living in financial chaos, lacking the discipline to even balance his own checkbook, who could hardly wait to acquire a 50 unit apartment building so he could get rich quick. If he thinks his money problems are bad now, wait till he adds the problems of managing a 50 unit apartment building. That would multiply his financial chaos by 50!
So, no matter where you are....whether you're starting from scratch or doing well financially.....we're going to start at the foundation and build sound financial management skills. Then, we move to the next stage of wealth. I want you to build on a strong foundation of proven financial strength. If you can manage the pennies in your life, they you’ll be ready to manage the millions that will soon be flowing into your life. But in you can’t manage the pennies, even though the millions may come, you won’t be able to hang onto them. For proof, I simply point to the dismal experience of lottery winners. If they had simply followed the ideas in this chapter, many of those lottery millionaires, instead of being broke, would be multi-millionaires today.
In the last chapter, you learned the first and most basic money skill…how to Value it.
Warren Buffett, one of the world’s wealthiest investors, has two important rules. Rule #1. Never lose money. Rule #2. Never forget rule #1. He hates to lose money because he is keenly aware of the FUTURE VALUE of each squandered dollar. For him, a thousand dollar loss today, represents the loss of millions of future dollars.
So, Money Skill #1 is to Value it.
The following quote explains how the billionaire John D. Rockerfeller taught his children to value money.
Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
"John D. Rockerfeller, Jr., was certainly not trying to save money when he decided to pay an allowance to his five sons. According to son Nelson, "We got 25 cents a week, and had to earn the rest of the money we got." To earn part of that extra money he raised vegetables and rabbits........"We always worked," according to Nelson. All the boys were required to keep personal daily account books. They were required to give 10 percent of their income to charity, to save 10 percent, and to account for all the rest. They had to balance their account books every month and to be able to tell what happened to every penny they earned. Nelson went on to serve as Governor of the state of New York for many years, and, ultimately, became Vice President of the United States. One of his brothers, David Rockerfeller, Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, says, "We all profited by the experience-especially when it came to understanding the value of money." From Kids and Cash by Ken Davis and Tom Taylor 1979 Oak Tree Publications
Interesting. You’d expect that these kids, raised in the lap of luxury, wouldn’t need to learn these things. Yet, Rockerfeller wanted his kids to understand money. He taught them a specific pattern for dealing with their money. There is a lot of wisdom in what he did.
The necessity for Work: When you earn it, you value it.
The importance of Charity: Give away the first 10%
The need for Saving: Pay yourself the next 10%
The power of Accountability: Account for every penny.
In addition to valuing money, Rockerfeller was teaching his kids how to control their money. And that's the second of the 7 money skills.
MoneySkill #2. Control It.
The first step in gaining control of your finances is to set up a simple system for organizing your financial life. You may already have a system for controlling your finances. Maybe you use of the popular computer programs such as Quicken or Microsoft Money. Still, I think you could learn a lot from a simple system I call it the Bathtub Theory of Economics.
Most people have one simple faucet or main source of income...their job. This income flows into the bathtub of their life and flows out through the drains at the bottom. Most everyone spends every penny they earn and then some. Obviously, the only way to have an overflowing prosperity in your life is to plug up those holes and to turn on more have Multiple Streams of Income. Both of these activities are critical: plugging leaks and turning on faucets. How many financial faucets do you have flowing into your life? How many leaks are there in the bottom of your bathtub?
Let’s look at plugging up the leaks first. Then, we’ll focus our attention in later chapters on how to turn on the faucets. I have simplified the many ways you can spend money into ten categories or leaks. I’ve kept the categories simple and broad because if it gets too complicated, you won't do it. Even when in using a computer finance program, like Quicken, your can organize your expenditures into these 10 categories. It's easy to remember the categories. Each one flows in order of their priority.
Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
Therefore, the first leak or category (using the Rockerfeller model) is called Giving. This represents your contributions toward church, charity, others, etc. I have given this category the number of 1. I find it interesting that Rockerfeller taught his kids to give the FIRST 10% of their earnings to Others. For more about why he chose to do this, download a copy of God and Money at Click on Keyword Search and select God and Money.
Now, after you pay the first 10% to your “Silent Partner” you need to pay yourself next. Therefore the next 10% of your money belongs in category 2 – Self. In the classic, "The Richest Man in Babylon," George S. Clayson tells the story of the wise investor whose primary rule was, "A part of all you earn is yours to keep." How true. When most of us save, we usually take it out of what’s left over. Prosperous people save first and then live on what’s left over. This makes a huge difference.
After you pay 10% to others and 10% to yourself, the third category, then, is taxes....and I give it a number of 3.
After these first three categories, what is the next most important expense of your life? Category 4 is your Shelter.... in the form of house payments or rent payments.
The fifth category is for Household expenses such as food, clothing, television, normal living expenses attributed to living in your place of residence. This will amount to your largest category.
Then comes category 6.... Auto. You need transportation. Every time you pay for gas, transportation, repairs to your vehicles, or car payments, you should organize these expenditures in category 6.
Next is Category 7 for Fun or entertainment. Whenever you spend money out of the home on movies, fast food, travel or toys, you should think of these expenditures as happening in Category 7. Seven is the number for fun.
Then, comes Category 8 for all forms of Insurance; health, life, disability, liability, house, homeowners, etc.
Miscellaneous expenditures (including payments toward debt) come under category 9 which stands for Debt/Miscellaneous.
And finally, there is Category 10.... for Business expenditures. Let’s review:
Category 1 Giving
Category 6 Auto
Category 2 Self
Category 7 Fun/Entertainment
Category 3 Taxes
Category 8 Insurance
Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
Category 4 Shelter
Category 9 Debt/Miscellaneous
Category 5 Household
Category 10 Business/Deductible Exp.
Side Bar: You can’t delegate this to anyone.
The subject of budgeting and saving and penny pinching seems tedious to most us, yet these skills or habits must become part of your life if you ever hope to achieve any measure of financial success. Don't give me your old excuses. Don't you dare tell me you're not good at math, or that you hate to balance your checkbook, or that you don't have a head for numbers, or that you never went to college, or that you don't know how to work a calculator, or that your spouse takes care of that stuff, or that you don't have the time, or that life is short and that you'd better enjoy it while you can. Odds are, you're going to live well past retirement age and you must plan for it by taking charge of your finances NOW.
Have you ever walked by a penny on the sidewalk and not picked it up because it was just a penny? The truth is, that hidden beneath that penny is a stack of a million pennies. Pick up that penny and invest it immediately. Make the decision that, starting today, you will no longer go into debt to support your lifestyle. You’re going to live below your matter what. It may take you months to turn your spending patterns around (for an oil tanker to change course 180 degrees takes many, many hours and hundreds of miles to're like that tanker, it will take time to turn your financial bad habits into good be patient with yourself.
As you can see, all of your expenditures can be summarized into just ten, broad categories. You only spend money a few times a day. And yet, those few decisions can make all of the difference between poverty and wealth. So, let’s examine the actual act of spending. Let’s dissect a typical money transaction or Money Event. If you could dissect a normal Money Event what would it look like?
Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
Money Event - Illustration
Money in your pocket --------- Exchanged for Product or Service
Prosperous people have a unique attitude toward each Money Event. During a typical transaction, they complete a few extra key activities. In doing so, they spend a few extra minutes per Money Event. I believe that it is these extra few key minutes that make all of the difference. That’s why I call this the Millionaire Minute.
Would you invest a few extra minutes per Money Event, if you knew it would eventually help you become financially free? Here is how people who are good with money approach a Money Event.
First, they plan the purchase. Just like with airline tickets, the longer the planning horizon the cheaper the purchase.
Second, they expect, ask for and often get a discount.
Third, they expect, ask for and always get a receipt.
Fourth, they always examine the receipt for errors.
Fifth, they immediately write on their receipt a category number.
Sixth, they balance their accounts to the penny.
Seventh, they file the receipt as soon as they get home.
Sidebar: Financially challenged vs. Financially prosperous
Financially Challenged Financially Prosperous
"A day late and a dollar short." “Abundance and Time freedom”
Short planning horizon- Impulse buying Long planning horizon
Plan your wants/Procrastinate your needs Plan your needs/Procrastinate your wants
Paying retail Paying wholesale
Not getting a receipt Getting a receipt
Not categorizing a receipt Categorizing a receipt
Not filing a receipt Filing a receipt
All told, on average, the millionaire spends about an extra minute or two per transaction than the poor person. This takes no more than 10 minutes per day. But look at the savings in time and money. The millionaire saves from 10-20% in comparison shopping. (What if you could lower your annual spending by 20% without a lot of sacrifice?) Then, by investing an extra
Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
minute to record the transaction and to file it properly, she has at her fingertips a vast source of information. She knows her current account balances. She can compare her spending to previous months and notice trends. She is more aware of her actual spending. This gives her much greater control of her finances.
She can calculate her tax consequences in minutes not days. She can back up her tax decisions with instant documentation. In a case of dispute, she knows where, when and how she spent her money and has the receipt to prove it. She is in control. And the resulting peace of mind creates a feeling of power. This increases her confidence, creativity and judgment. She makes fast, correct, decisive decisions. This gives her that secret millionaire's advantage.
So, from now on, every time you spend money, take an extra few minutes during that money event to practice the Millionaire Minute:
Plan your purchase.
Get a discount.
Get a receipt.
Examine your receipt.
Categorize your receipt.
Balance your account.
File your receipt.
Setting up your filing system is simple. Get ten manila folders and number them from one to ten. At the end of the day, remove your categorized receipts and quickly file them into one of the ten manila folders. If a receipt is a household expense, file it in folder number 5. If it is for entertainment, file it in folder number 7. Where would you file a receipt for an automobile expense? How about a business expense? Do this, and you’ll be in control of your expenses in a few short weeks.
Now, why go to all of this trouble? In the first chapter I shared with you the power of compound interest and how just a dollar a day can grow into millions given enough time. By practicing the Millionaire Minute, you will be able to find that extra dollar to ten dollars a day to fund your investment program. You can grow wealthy on the money that is already flowing through your fingers.
Most people don’t practice the Millionaire Minute, therefore they don’t plan their purchases. This, by itself, increases their living expenses by at least 10%. Then, they don’t collect receipts. And if they do, they throw their loose receipts into a shoe box. At the end of the year, doing their taxes is a real chore. It takes time and extra money for an accountant to prepare. There is some more lost money.
Just how much are those lost receipts worth?
Suppose you buy a pen and instead of throwing away the receipt, you actually keep the receipt, categorize it and file it for tax time. Now, you have proof that you made a tax- deductible
Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
expense for your home based business. You now can deduct this expense off the top of your income before you calculate your taxes. What is this worth to you?
An immediate 30% return on your money!
If you're in the 30% tax bracket, then every dollar you categorize as a tax deduction gives you a 30% return on your money. Did you get that? Hello? Where can you, today, get an instant 30% guaranteed return on your money? When you get and keep the receipt for a tax deductible expense and then deduct that expenditure on your taxes, you're making 30% on your money. 30% return on your money is the kind of return that turns ordinary people into millionaires.
Start today to gain a greater control over your money by doing the millionaire'll be amazed.
I’ve created a special form that you can use to give yourself a financial tune-up. It’s found on the opposite page. It’s called a Money Tracker. I promise that if you’ll use the MoneyTracker for 30 days, you’ll be amazed at the kind of confidence it will build in your ability to control your finances. After 30 days, you can continue to use the MoneyTracker or go back to your old ways of doing things, but every six months you should use the MoneyTracker for another 30 days to sharpen your skills. If you’ll like to download a fully printable copy of the MoneyTracker, just visit my website at and click on Keyword Search. Then, click on the keyword: MoneyTracker.
MoneySkill #3. Save it.
The key to financial planning is cash flow management. You've not only got to get the cash to flow into your bathtub. You have to manage the leaks so that there is money left over at the end of the month. This monthly surplus is the secret. The surplus or savings can be invested. The object of the money game is to accumulate enough investments so that the income from these investments will eventually support you. So, the third MoneySkill is to save your surplus.
There are two meanings to the word SAVE. The first meaning is to pay less for your purchases. (Safeway saves1 you more!) The second meaning is to create a surplus. (I need to save2 some money for retirement.) Some people are good at doing the first save (save1). They like to shop for bargains. But they are terrible at the second save. (save2) Wealthy people are great at both. They love to save1 money-- to buy things at wholesale, to get a good deal, to get bargain. They hate to pay retail for anything. And now, you know why. Each wasted dollar destroys a forest of future money trees.
But they don't stop there. You see, anyone can save money by buying at a discount....but do they save2 the money that they save1? That's the hard part. A friend of mine quit smoking and was bragging about the $50 a month she was saving1 by not smoking. I asked, “Where is the
Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
$50?” She didn’t know. She had saved1 the money but she hadn't saved2 it....put it away. When you save1 money by changing your buying habits, take the money out of your purse or wallet and get it out of your spending grasp. You won’t even miss it. Put it into a savings2 jar, and frequently deposit this money into your savings2 account. That’s when you’ve truly save1/saved2 it.
Suppose you normally buy your gasoline from a certain gas station. Then, one day you notice a new gas station which has gas 10 cents a gallon cheaper. With a ten gallon purchase, you should have saved1 about a dollar. But, you only notice the benefit of that savings when you take the second step and save/Save it. Therefore, when you go to the cash register to pay for the gasoline, physically take that saved1 dollar out of your wallet or purse and put it into a savings2 envelope. You can put the envelope into the side pocket of your door and let your savings accumulate into you have 25 to 50$. Don’t be tempted to spend it. You need to transfer those savings into your long term savings account…. and from there into your investment account ….. and from there in to your various investments such as mutual funds, stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.
You can literally become a millionaire on the money you’re wasting. There are thousands of ways to save money. A popular Mutual Fund company has prepared a list of 50 simple ways to save $50. It’s an excellent list and I’ve reproduced it for you at the end of this chapter. But there are two MAJOR ways to save money that are not found on the list.
Major Money Saver Number One. Extend Your Planning Horizon.
When asked for his secret, billionaire J. Paul Getty said,: “I buy my straw hats in the fall.” He didn’t buy his straw hats in the spring when the sun was hot and hats were popular and expensive. He bought them in the fall, when they were unpopular and cheap. He used this same philosophy with every purchase ....his oil wells, his businesses, his buildings, his corporate jets, and his art collections. He had a "wholesale" mentality. He saw into the future and scheduled his buying for the cheapest time. He bought when nobody wanted and sold when demand was high.
Therefore, to obtain these bargains, you need to lengthen your planning horizon. The planning horizon for most folks is one week…..till the weekend. For most North American corporations it is one quarter, one year, at most, five years. But the average planning horizon for major Japanese corporations is 150 years!
You might wonder how they know what is going to happen in 150 years. Remember, the future is not something that happens. The future is something that you MAKE happen.
You need to start immediately to extend your planning horizon. If you normally plan a week in advance, extend it to 30 days. If you normally plan a month in advance, extend it to three. If you normally plan a year in advance, extend it to 5. The farther in the future you plan, the cheaper your life will become.
Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
Of course, your well laid plans almost never come to fruition as you plan them. The purpose is not to come up with a final plan but to go through the process of planning. Start the process with a minimum planning horizon of 90 days. This is how.
Many people spend a few minutes planning their day. This is an excellent idea but there is a better way. Instead of just planning your daily activities, look at the day on your calendar that is 90 days from today and ask yourself, “What do I need to do today to make sure that the things I need 90 days from now can be purchased smarter?” You scan over the 90 day period looking for any airline tickets that need purchasing. Does anyone have a birthday? What about other gifts? What about food? What about office supplies? This one simple habit could lower you cost of living dramatically.
Successful money managers know instinctively how much easier it is to save a dollar than to make and extra one. To earn a dollar in net profit, you have to deal with employees, paperwork, hassle, advertising, customer relations, inventory, taxes, red tape, risk, etc. This is hard. But to save a dollar can be done in the blink of an eye by just cutting out an unnecessary expense. Both an earned dollar and a saved dollar drop to the bottom line. They look the same. But it was much easier to control your expenses than to increase your income.
Poor people today always seem to run "a day late and a dollar short." If you're a day late you'll always be a dollar short. Why? Because procrastination is expensive. If forces you to pay retail. An organized people are automatically better off financially because they have time to schedule their expenditures to "buy their straw hats in the fall."
Poor people have disorganized short term planning horizons. Rich people have organized, long term planning horizons. The more scheduled you are into the future the cheaper your life is going to become. You've got to begin organize your life like a major corporation. The average American corporation operates of 5 year planning horizons. The average Japanese corporation operates off a 150 year planning horizon. By planning far into the future, the successful companies can schedule their expenditures to coincide with the cheapest costs. How can you plan for 150 years in the future? Remember, the future is not something that just happens. The future is something that you create. If you can see far enough into the future you can create the kind of future that you want. In other words, if you want to learn to control your money, you have to learn how to control your time. That's what they mean when they say "Time is Money." So the first key to controlling your money is to learn to control your time. And the key to controlling time is to extend your planning horizon.
Major Money Saver Number Two. Schedule some Plastic Surgery.
Would you like to learn how to cut your living expenses by 20% 30% in 30 seconds? You would? Well, take out all of your plastic credit cards, put one away for emergencies, and cut up all the rest. Statistics have shown that this simple exercise will automatically
Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
and almost effortlessly cut your living expenses by an average of 30% over the next 12 months. Why? Because credit cards provide easy access to purchasing power. If you remove the easy access, you unconsciously won’t be tempted to spend. Thus, your overall spending will automatically decline.
With the money you’re save/saving plus the 10% of the money you pay yourself off the top, you should be able to save enough money each month to fund your lifetime million dollar investment program.
Imagine a series of buckets where money is siphoned off from your bathtub. The first bucket should be your emergency bucket. Let your 10% flow there first until you have at least three months worth of living expenses saved. You'd be surprised how many people in this country are only one paycheck away from homelessness. Don't let that be you. This money should be in the safest place possible....probably in an insured bank the highest interest rate you can find where you can access to your money within 30 days. Once this first bucket is filled up, the stream of 10% will overflow into one of three additional buckets---labeled, conservative investments, moderately risky investments and very risky investments. If you are older, you should have more of your money in the conservative bucket. The younger you are the more risk you can take.
On the next page is a list of 50 ways you can save $50 a month. Enjoy!
Multiple Streams of Income: Chapter Two
By Robert G. Allen
©Copyright Robert G. Allen 2007, 2011, All Rights Reserved
50 Ways to Save $50 a Month
1. Shop with a list -and stick to it.
2. Just say NO to ATMs with fees -plan ahead for your cash needs.
3. Does your bank charge high fees? MOVE YOUR ACCOUNT.
4. Pay off that credit card balance!
5. If you must carry a credit card balance, shop around for a card with a lower rate.
6. Look for lower premiums on your insurance policies.
7. Consider higher deductibles for your home and auto insurance.
8. Do you have private mortgage insurance? If you've built up 20% equity in your home, you can cancel it.
9. Use a mail-order pharmacy for long-term prescriptions.
10. "Doc, can I get that as a generic drug?"
11. Check all medical and hospital bills for errors- many insurance companies offer rewards.
12. Rent- never buy something you'll only use a few times.
13. Turn your yard into a department store -have a rummage sale.
14. Switch long-distance carriers-then switch again.
15. Call waiting? Not usually? Cancel those add-on phone services you don't need.
16. E-mail your friends instead of calling.
17. Skip the movies -rent a video instead.
18. Dine out? Eat in.
19. Lunch is "in the bag"- or it should be.
20. Don't buy that book! Exercise your library card.
21. Free up space in your mailbox- cancel that magazine subscription you never read.
22. Watch a parade or have a picnic--free entertainment is often the best.
23. Turn your car into a "chat room." Carpool to work.
24. Join the "bus crowd" and avoid cab fare.
25. Buy airline tickets in advance -and always stay through Saturday. You'll have more fun and it's a lot cheaper, too!
26. Quit that health club-join the local gym instead.
27. "COUPONS" & "DOUBLE COUPON DAYS." Enough said.
28. What's in a name? Buy generic instead.
29. Skip the paper towels-wash your cloth ones instead.
30. Watch out for "convenience" foods-they're expensive and not as healthy for you anyway.
31. Join a warehouse club.
32. "Scan" those scanners and receipts-mistakes do happen.
33. Avoid "pricey" specialty stores.
34. Comparison shop "on-line."
35. Gotta trunk? Buy in BULK.
36. Premium gas for your car? Most run fine without it. Check your manual to be sure.
37. Forget the words "automatic car-wash"-do it yourself and get some fresh air.
38. Use that quick-change oil and lube service on the corner instead of a full-service garage.
39. Never pay extra for service contracts or extended warranties -the manufacturer's warranty is usually sufficient.
40. Cancel that premium channel you never watch-or cancel cable TV altogether.
41. Don't touch that thermostat-put on a sweater instead.
42. Take a shower instead of a bath.
43. Only run a "full" dishwasher.
44. Have an energy audit done on your home-some companies offer them for FREE.
45. Never pay extra for car rental insurance-you're probably already covered by your credit card or regular car insurance.
46. DON'T PLAY THE LOTTERY-the odds of getting hit by lightning are better than your chances of winning.
47. Time to refinance your home? Keep an eye on interest rates.
48. Pay yourself first-set aside a dollar a day.
49. Buy a "piggy bank" for all the spare change you keep finding in your couch.
50. Don't spend your next pay raise--INVEST THAT MONEY INSTEAD.
©Copyright Strong Funds. Used by Permission. For free information 1-800-368-1683

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