Tuesday, February 14, 2012


All of us want easy money making tips, quick money making ideas which will turn our blogs to money making machine and we seek money making opportunities, but one of the skills we have to master to be able to achieve these objectives is saving habit. In MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME, Robert Allen mentioned 50 ways to save 50 dollars a month. They are as folows
1. Shop with a list and stick to it
2. Just say NO to ATM with fees, plan ahead for your cash needs.
3. Does your bank charge high fees? MOVE YOUR ACCOUNT
4. Pay off that credit card balance
5. Look for lower preminums on your insurance policies
6. Consider higher deductibles for your home and auto insurance
7. E-mail your friends instead of calling
8. Skip the movies; rent a video instead
9. Dine out? Eat in.
10. Lunch is "in the bag" - or it should be.

Get a copy of the book MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME and read the remaining 40 ways to save 50 dollars a month.

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