Sunday, February 22, 2015


I want to share with you today a list of books that i feel every one who desires to invest should read. I have read these books and i find them very useful. The books are as follows:
1. THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON: It is fictional but it contains valuable lessons for every investor
2. THINK AND GROW RICH: It outlines the steps to be taken if you really want to become rich
3. MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME: It is a good book. It summarises all the various things that you can invest in.
4. RICH DAD POOR DAD: The author shares his experiences with his two dads. The experiences are valuable for everyone who really wants to retire young.
5. HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN STOCKS: Those who want to invest in the stock market will find this book useful
6. THE NEATEST LITTLE GUIDE TO STOCK MARKET INVESTING: This is another book for stock market investment
7. THE INTELLIGENT INVESTOR: Do you really want to be an intelligent investor? Get a copy of this important book
8. STOCK MARKET FOR BEGINNERS BOOK: This book will be useful if you are just starting to invest in the stock market
9. STOCK INVESTING FOR DUMMIES: I strongly recommend this book for new investors.
If you are interested in any of the books follow the link to get your copy. Thanks

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